Getting the Best Broadband Speed

Getting the Best Broadband Speed

Getting the Best Broad Band Speed is not as easy as it sounds. There are many prmutationns and combinations that have to be taken into account.

You need to shop around to get the Best Broadband speed.

Obviously this depends where you need the connection?  As the availability of suppliers will vary from location to location.

Some questions to consider for Getting the Best Broadband Speed.

Is the connection in your office or at home.

What speed of connection and data capacity do you need.


Will you just be using the connection for email in which case perhaps you do not need the fastest singing and dancing connection. Just a reliable one with a consistent connection.


Despite the growth in mobile phones and apps like Whats App there is still a huge demand to use Skype and I have to say I have found it really useful in business.

Share Trading

If you are using the Internet for share trading then you will need a very reliable connection. one which is fast and has a high data capacity. The market moves very quickly and if you want to be able to trade effectively you must have the best Broadband connection you can get.  As a serious trader you will be using level 2 and thus acting as your own market maker. In those circumstances you need the best connection that is available. With out one you will find it will fail just when you need it.

Watching Television

There is a tremendous amount of content available to down load across the Internet. You can us  fire stick to down load content to that you can watch later.

Playing Games

Computers and the Internet are fantastic for playing games even the good old ones like Chess.  A reasonable internet connection would probably be all that you would need.

Social Media

Of course Social Media brings a whole new meaning for getting the best broadband speed connection either at home or your office. Many small businesses are finding that the best way to establish their brand is be known on Social Media. You can get Small Business Promotion packages and to help build ones brand and promote you products. An example of a brand that I know that uses social media is Sildamax UK

This is a product for men suffering from that old age male problem that can trouble men of any age at any time.  Rest assured this product is safe and works as I know from personal experience.

City Serve Broad Band